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Wednesday 23 August 2017

Burnt Offerings 31

Nearly there - Burnt Offerings 31 the penultimate offering - one more to go.

We start with a band and a song that I could have sworn had featured before, but apparently not.
I thought it had appeared on one of the random Saturday posts but must have missed the cut.
Not this time.
If anyone ever asked me to name a Transvision Vamp song (highly unlikely I grant you) this is the one that I would come up with..However it was not one of their 11 singles and only appeared on their debut album Pop Art

Transvision Vamp -Psychosonic Cindy

Nina Persson has appeared on these pages before but as a member of the wonderful Swedish group The Cardigans rather than in her own right,
She has had one sole album Animal Heart released in 2014
However this cover of the great White Stripes number does not come from there but rather from the film Om Gud Vill (God Willing) from 2006.

Nina Persson - Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground

Porter Wagoner's take on Committed to Parkview a song written by Johnny Cash has appeared here before but only as a video version so that doesn't count
It features on his final album Wagonmaster released in June 2017 on the Anti label  shortly before his death on 28th October 2007 at the age of 80.
Probably best remembers for his duo's with Dolly Parton on his long running TV show

Porter Wagoner - Committed to Parkview

The final random nonsense installment next Wednesday


  1. What year did 'Pop Art' come out? Whenever it was, that was probably the last time I heard 'Psychosonic Cindy', I was more of a 'Velveteen' / 'Little Magnets' man myself. Nice to hear it again though.
    The Porter track is terrific. I've got a few of his albums, but nothing from this late in his career.

  2. Are you familiar with Nina Persson's other band, A Camp? Worth checking out if not, especially the song I Can Buy You.

  3. I always thought Wendy James looked like a bit of a tramp. Not my kind of girl at all. These days she looks like she's had an awful lot of 'work' done:

    Nina on the other hand...

  4. A Camp as Rol says are well worth checking out. I love the cover of The Bluest Eyes In Texas.

    Wendy James, the female Liam Gallagher, lots of mouth backed by little talent

  5. My enjoyment of the Porter Wagonner song has been curtailed

  6. Not familiar with A Camp. Something I clearly need to rectify

  7. I recommend A Camp: Love Has Left The Room. Wonderful.

  8. Transvision Vamp... lumped in with Primitives and Darling Buds in the so-called Blonde Movement. Personally, I think Transvision Vamp is damn lucky to be considered with those two fine bands.

  9. I will add my voice to the A Camp love going on here... and Brian is right Transvision Vamp gets name checked way more than they probably deserve, but I still have a soft spot for their music. It's not always good, but there are some gems among the rocks on their releases.

  10. Ah, my faith in humanity is restored (kind of) thanks to several commentators here but particularly C. I was beginning to think that A Camp's Love Has Left The Room was just a product of my imagination. The album it came from, Colonia, to be honest I found pretty ordinary but I just fell in love with that particular track. A few years back when counting ones plays on iTunes seemed to be important, I found I'd played it 40 or 50 times more than any other song. I'd probably over-reacted but hey I was young then! I do still love it and recommend you bend your ear that way.
